Minutes of CTSA Interim Board Meeting, 21st July 2011

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Please find below the minutes from our Interim Board meeting on 21st July. Over the next few weeks you will find all of the minutes from all of our meetings dating back to the beginning of July displayed here (once I’ve managed to convert them all to plain text!). It is important to us that you, our members, have a view of how we are managing your organisation, so that you can comment, suggest improvements or simply understand our decision making processes. I hope you find them interesting reading! I’m sure that some people will be quite surprised by a few nuggets of information.


Attendees: Simon Hall, Chris Cheshire, Barbara Robinson, Ian Townsend, Mark Ogbourne, Kenny Blackmore, Colin Lowes

Apologies: Kevin Giles, Simon Smith, John Hooper, Steve Leake

1. Minutes of the last meeting on Tuesday 12th July 2011- agreed

2. Constitutional Matters –Supporters Direct still updating model rules. Mark keeping in regular contact and pressing for resolution. Finance- Kevin unable to attend tonight due to domestic issues, but he has a cheque from AH to pay in which we will get to Simon ASAP. Simon to write letter of thanks to AH. Action: Mark/Simon S

3. Travel Updates –Ken has now confirmed two coaches for the Port Vale game, third on standby. The Travel Sub Committee are to meet with Dave Brown of CLC on 4thAugust- Ken to confirm details to Sub Committee. Coaches will cost £20 to park at Port Vale. Police issues in hand.

Ken has tickets fresh from the printers and demonstrated the administration to all concerned. Mark to email Darren at Webbyweb with the travel rules for the website. Ken will email all posters/information to Ian for display on the website. It was agreed that if we have more than one coach we shall use the player naming system adopted previously by the Supporters Club, as this is the best option. Action: Ken

4. Membership Updates- now more than 100 members. Cards can be collected in Redz before and after games. Barb and Chris making up cards- these can be posted out on request rather than collected where necessary. Action: Barb and Chris

5. Community Updates- We agreed that we will invest in activities designed to encourage the youth of the community to become more involved with sport in general and with the football club in particular. It is expected that we will focus investment over five years particularly at children of Primary School age. The scheme will be provisionally called “Winfield’s Winners”. Colin and John to arrange meeting with the clubs Community Liaison Officer to discuss. It was expected that we would look to begin activities in the October half term period, and probably focus on coaching activities. Action: Colin and John.

6. Fundraising Updates –Simon H to run Golden Gamble- licence to be applied for and tickets can be sold in Redz, in the West Stand by Ian and in the cabin to begin with. Club to be contacted on ticket printing issues. Funds to community projects. Action: Simon H

7. Any Other Business          

a. Website and information technology issues-Ian to create and update Facebook page, and provide more content- particularly photographs- for website. Simon H to discuss training issues with Darren at Webbyweb, looking at Saturday morning as best time. Action: Ian and Simon H

b. Board membership. Ian confirmed that Ron had emailed him resigning his post on the Alliance Board due to now working full time for the football club. All present expressed their thanks to him for his incredible efforts in the formation of the Alliance, and wished him luck in his new role with the club. Ian agreed to write a tribute for the website.

It was agreed that Steve Leake would replace Ron as co-chair (Steve has offered), and it would be useful to have another former SC member on the Committee to redress the balance. Former SC members of the committee to discuss who may like to do it- Pat Harper’s name was put forward as he would have travel expertise. Steve to discuss with Pat. Action: Steve

c. Location of future meetings- It was agreed that next week we would meet in the Black Swan on Wednesday, 1930 hrs. Afterwards, if it can be arranged, we will meet in the “Wingspan Club”. Colin to enquire. Action: Colin

Next meeting- Wednesday 27th July 2011, Black Swan                                                                                                          



Ian Townsend

Ian Townsend