50/50 Draw- where does your money go?

  There are many reasons to purchase a 50/50 ticket before a game. The biggest is the chance to win a nice cash prize if your ticket is drawn at half time, and the best of luck with that! However the other reason is that the 50% of the takings that don’t go...
Join Travel Ken for the Blades and the Iron!

Join Travel Ken for the Blades and the Iron!

On Tuesday 5th February we’re off to Yorkshire’s greenest city to watch our mighty Reds play Sheffield United- and if we don’t give away  any daft free kicks we might just do well! Coaches leave the Broadfield Stadium at 2.30 PM and will run non stop to Sheffield....

Knicker(bocker)s to fan engagement!

Since the new CEO and Marketing Manager arrived, we’ve heard much from CTFC about fan engagement- and rightly so. The signs are that both Richard and Ryan are quite aware of the need to work with their committed supporters if positive change is to be realised,...

Charity “Trekkers” need your help!

There’s nothing like a gentle summer walk in the countryside, is there? Well what CTFC Supporter Angela Maria and 16 of her Comtrex Systems work colleagues have planned for 26th July will be nothing like a gentle summer walk in the countryside! Setting off at...