50/50 draw v Coventry City

The winning number today was 10114. The winning prize of £217.05 (we’ve no idea where the odd five pence came from!) was claimed after the game. Many thanks for your support. We apologise for the fact that only one winning ticket was drawn. Normally we would...

AGM Minutes and Board Structure Update

In relation to last weeks news about the CTSA Board Structure, we would like to inform you of two changes: 1. Ian Townsend has agreed to step into the role of Chair which was recently vacated. 2. We are rather chuffed to let you know that Steve Leake has agreed to be...

Football League Season Preview 2013-14

If you follow the link below, you’ll find the Press Association preview of the forthcoming season, it’s rather a good read: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/b0ccf46e And here’s the Sky Bet Version:...