AGM – Wednesday 22nd November, Redz Bar, Checkatrade Stadium – 8pm.

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25th October 2017

The Annual General Meeting of the Crawley Town Supporters’ Alliance is to take place on Wednesday 22nd November, at 8.00pm in the Redz Bar, Stadium, as previously advised in the Press Release, dated 6th October 2017.

Following the announcement that the CTSA will have a Fan Representative on the CTFC Board, the vote will also take place at the AGM. All details can be found here:

Statements from the candidates who have been nominated will appear here after the closing date of 28th October.  Please note that to vote and attend the AGM you are required to be a CTSA Member.  For anyone not a Member and wishing to attend, you are welcome to join the CTSA on the evening, prior to the Meeting.  All Crawley Town FC Season Ticket Holders are entitled to free CTSA Membership.  Everyone else is £5. Membership can be purchased on our website, via PayPal or contact  The formal accounts are available to download below.

Please find below, the relevant documents:

AGM Invitation:  AGM Invitation 22.11.17

Agenda:  CTSA AGM Agenda 22.11.17

Minutes from last year’s AGM:  AGM Minutes 02.08.16

Proxy Vote Form:  Form of Proxy AGM 22.11.17

Formal Accounts June 2017: Formal Accounts – June 2017

We look forward to seeing you there.

Carol Bates – Chair.


Reuben Watt

Reuben Watt

Reuben has been a Crawley supporter since 2011 and has been on the CTSA board since 2022. He is currently the chair of the CTSA. When he is not travelling home and away, he is working in Security.