© James Boardman – https://www.telephotoimages.com/
The role of Fan Representative for the 2019-20 season will be elected at the CTSA’s AGM on July 25.
Anyone interested in putting their names forward for Fan Rep must be nominated by a supporter and statements should be sent to chair@ctfcsa.co.uk by Thursday, July 11 2019, to ensure that your nomination is acknowledged.
All nominations, which conform to the Terms of Reference (attached below), will then be voted on by the members of the CTSA at the AGM and the Fan Representative appointed.
The Fan Representative will attend all Crawley Town FC Board meetings and will also ‘hold’ a Board position on the CTSA, to enable a clear and open transfer of information to the CTSA and its members. In addition, the Fan Representative will be invited to attend the SAG (Safety Authority Group) Meeting held at the beginning of the season and subsequent Club meetings throughout the season.
For the Fan Representative role, please head to this page.
The coming season represents a bonus year for the Fan Rep role. This additional season was agreed with Crawley Town FC as part of the original deal of two years, and has been extended at no extra cost.
The AGM will also provide an opportunity for fans to have their say on whether we continue the Fan Rep role in future.
Anyone who would like to see changes made to the Constitution (also attached below) should also email chair@ctfcsa.co.uk
Fan on the Board – Terms of Reference – CTSA