CTSA Minutes 1.4.19

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20th May 2019

Please see the minutes from the CTSA’s meeting held on April 1, 2019.

Attending: Sam Jordan, Chris Laker, Andy Tester, Steve Leake, David Leake

Apologies: Simon Smith

End of Season Awards:

  • CTSA to be allocated an award if they can fill a table of 10 at the dinner.

Football Festival:

  • Raffle prizes needed.
  • Andy Tester to distribute letters to local businesses.
  • Equipment needed – balls, cones, bibs, goals, whiteboard, raffle tickets. Andy Tester to ask Community Foundation and Joe Comper.
  • Tea bar will be open for refreshments.
  • The bar in the conference suite will be open.

Chestnut Tree House Appeal:

  • Easter eggs needed. Eggs can be dropped off at the ticket office.
  • Glenn Morris keen to get involved in delivering the eggs.

AGM – July 25

  • Fan Rep role will be up for re-election.
  • Potential candidates to be notified of procedures in advance of AGM.

Next Meeting:

Monday April 29


Chris Laker

Chris Laker