An open letter… | 31st December 2022

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31st December 2022

Dear Preston and Eben,

Further to yesterday’s events, we are concerned about the impact that certain decisions and owner’s statements are having on our Club and therefore would urge you again to meet with us as soon as possible.

It’s pretty obvious that the frustration of the past few weeks intensified last night, with the majority of the 300 travelling Crawley fans voicing their displeasure and fans gathering outside the ground to speak to you to get some answers.

Over 350 Crawley fans have joined the CTSA in the last 48 hours, which leaves us in a unique position to be able to help you get your message across to the fan base, and also us to get their message across to you in a constructive manner.

We’re keen to have a constructive meeting as soon as possible, so if you could give us a suitable time and date to meet with you, ideally before the Newport game on Monday, we’d appreciate it.

Reuben Watt
Interim Chair, CTSA




Reuben Watt

Reuben Watt

Reuben has been a Crawley supporter since 2011 and has been on the CTSA board since 2022. He is currently the chair of the CTSA. When he is not travelling home and away, he is working in Nuclear Security.