CTSA Minutes 10.9.19

Please see below minutes from CTSA meeting held September 10, 2019. Attendees: Sam Jordan, Steve Leake, David Leake, Louie Elmer, Lee Crossan Apologies: Chris Laker, Andy Tester Welcome to potential new board members: Louie and Lee. Recap on the AGM. Sharing the...
Final Reds Rollover draw of 2018/19 season

Final Reds Rollover draw of 2018/19 season

On August 10th at the Salford City home game, the final draw for the 2018/2019 season will be made. As well as the usual monthly 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th prizes, the annual rollover draw will take place. 1st prize – 30% of monthly takings 2nd prize – 15% of...
CTSA AGM minutes 25/7/19

CTSA AGM minutes 25/7/19

Please see details from the CTSA’s AGM held in the Mayo Wynne Baxter Executive Suite at the People’s Pension Stadium on July 25, 2019. Board Present: Sam Jordan, David Leake, Andy Tester, Steve Leake. Total Attendance: 23 Apologies: Simon Smith...