Welcome To Crawley Town Supporters Alliance

The CTSA provides representation, financial advantages and social activities to the benefit of fans, the club and our community. We are a registered Supporters Trust and therefore have to act in a responsible, inclusive and accountable manner to our members. We...
Revised website, it’s nearly kick-off time…

Revised website, it’s nearly kick-off time…

The new design & functionality is in place, but the content now needs to be updated & revised. As you can see we are getting a new look, bringing everything up-to-date and a making the site a bit more instinctive to use. We’re getting a new logo too. All...
CTSA Festival of Football Weekend.

CTSA Festival of Football Weekend.

A Festival of Football…… The season may have finished on May 7th but there was still plenty of football to be played at the Checkatrade.com Stadium. On Friday 13th we ran our first Charity tournament, where the winners would take home the inaugural “Les Turnbull...

CTSA Festival of Football for Crawley fans!

“FESTIVAL OF FOOTBALL”  6-A-SIDE CHARITY EVENT FOR REDS’ FANS  6.30PM  –  FRIDAY 13TH MAY 2016 – CHECKATRADE.COM STADIUM. We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a Festival of Football for all Crawley Town fans (adults) to come and play on the...