AGM & Minutes

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AGM – Monday 18th November 2024, Zoom – 7:30pm

The Annual General Meeting of the Crawley Town Supporters Alliance is to take place on Monday 18th November 2024 at 19:30, on Zoom. If you would like to attend then please fill out this form: Please note that you do have to be a...
CTSA Minutes 1.4.19

CTSA Minutes 1.4.19

Please see the minutes from the CTSA’s meeting held on April 1, 2019. Attending: Sam Jordan, Chris Laker, Andy Tester, Steve Leake, David Leake Apologies: Simon Smith End of Season Awards: CTSA to be allocated an award if they can fill a table of 10 at the dinner....

CTSA Minutes 5.3.19

Please see the minutes from the CTSA's meeting held on March 5, 2019. Attendees: Steve Leake; Chris Laker; Simon Smith; Andy Tester; Sam Jordan; David Leake Apologies: Matt Cowdrey Agenda Erdem Konyar:  The CTSA are yet to receive a reply to their email to Erdem...

Fan Rep Q&A from meeting 18/12/18

Fan Rep Q&A from meeting 18/12/18

Please see details below from Fan Representative Steve Leake's latest meeting with Kelly Derham, held on December 18, 2018. Question 1: The CEO of People's Pension stated that they and the club have shared values, which prompted the question - "What are the club's...

AGM Minutes 22.11.18

AGM Minutes 22.11.18

Please find below the minutes from the CTSA AGM held on November 22, 2018. Board: Sam Jordan, Chris Laker, Andy Tester, Steve Leake, David Leake, Simon Smith Chair's report Fans’ Rep report Treasurer’s report AOB Fan question: There was a report published in Turkey in...